7 Figure Academy – Dan Kennedy

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7 Figure Academy – Dan Kennedy Download. Ready for some “very advanced Kennedy?” Get ready for some straight BLUNT talk when the “Millionaire Maker” finall…

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Ready for some “very advanced Kennedy?” Get ready for some straight BLUNT talk when the “Millionaire Maker” finally reveals…

7 Figure Academy by Dan Kennedy,
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Ready for some “very advanced Kennedy?” Get ready for some straight BLUNT talk when the “Millionaire Maker” finally reveals…

“Why What Got You To 5-6 Figures Will SABOTAGE You In Getting To 7-Figures—And How Radically Different Approaches To Making BIG  Money Will Help You Step Up And Quickly Join The ‘7-Figure Fraternity’…Regardless Of What’s Happening In The Economy!”

Best Part: It Doesn’t Matter If You Have NO Talent, Skill, Or Genius IQ. I Have Absolutely NOTalent At All…Yet I Earn 7-Figures And Have Taught “Ordinary” People To Do The Same!

Keep Reading To Discover What You Need To Be Doing Right Now To Earn 7-Figures Not To Just Have A Nicer Car And House…But To SURVIVE In Today’s Evolving Economy!

Dear Future 7-Figure Earner:

First things first: I didn’t write this letter to accommodate today’s “low attention spans”…nor did I truncate a single thought or sentence to make it “convenient” for you.

Why? Because the subject I’m about to talk about in this letter is just too DARN important to just glaze over…as this is CRITICAL to your success as an entrepreneur.

So that’s why I decided to be as LONG as possible, because I want to “make my case” as to why you need to be doing what I describe in this letter.

So if you’re “turned off” by this and have something better to do, then I suspect you’ll flick off your browser right now.

But if you truly “get it” like many of our GKIC faithful who have been following me for more for 5…10…15…even 20 years, then keep reading.

But I must warn you: 

What I’m About To Share In This Letter Might Be Downright DISTURBING To Some Of You.

That’s because what I have to share with you “goes against the grain” of what you’ve learned about building a business.

In fact, there are probably a handful of you that will want to shut off your browser in disgust and have nothing to do with this “Dan Kennedy” guy.

If that’s the case, then that’s fine. Go ahead and keep watching Modern Family or mindlessly surfing the Internet, and watching YouTube videos.

But if you’re looking for million-dollar strategies from a guy who’s “been there-done that” then this might be the most impactful message you’ve EVER read!

Because I want to share with you several VERY advanced, radically different, and POTENT approaches to making more money with your business then you’d EVER thought possible.

This is stuff you won’t read in ANY trade journal, textbook, and business book. Nor is any other “expert” teaching this stuff.

Once you learn these…and IMPLEMENT THEM in your business, you can start flooding your pipeline with more customers, clients, and patients.

You’ll be able to make more money across ALL communication channels. And it doesn’t matter what business you’re in…more on that in a second.

You see, these are the strategies my 7-figure earners have used to smash through the 6-figure ceiling. 

And when you implement them yourself, it’ll lift you to an entirely new level of wealth, prestige, satisfaction and PLEASURE you’ve ever experienced!

You see, this is an enviable position most of my Renegade entrepreneurs experience every day. But in most cases:

 Asking Most Business Owners “How’s Business Going?” Is Like Asking A 70 Year Old, “How Are You Feeling?”

You get a lot of groans, grimaces, and LOT of negativity in general!

That’s because the rest of the 99.99% of business owners are practicing the same ol’ habits, strategies, and tactics that might have worked 10 years ago…but no longer work now.

“Roller Coaster” income is the norm for most of these businesses…which leads to stress, anxiety, and wondering if you’re going to be able to keep the lights on next month for as long as you are in business.

Same goes for business who have seemed to have “stagnated” or “plateaued” in the past couple years thanks to the down economy, changing customer buying habits and preferences, and downward price pressure.

So if you’re thinking about starting a business, or if you already are earning a decent 6 figures, then keep reading.

Because what I have to present to you is a RADICAL departure from what “regular” people think and do when it comes to making accelerated incomes.

That’s because the rules simply CHANGE when it comes to running a 7-figure business. Pure and simple.

Old habits of doing things….and thinking about things…simply have to be thrown out the window. And a new set of skills, techniques, and “ways” of doing things has to be ushered in.

You see, I’m a football guy. The best way I can describe this is like having a No. 1 draft pick coming out of college football…where he won the Heisman Trophy and was “top dog” in college.

But as soon as he reaches the NFL, he realizes the pro game is a LOT faster, the playbook is a LOT more complicated, and the training and season is a LOT longer and more grueling.

What I have to share with you is like Jack Nicklaus teaching his swing to an amateur golfer that seems to be “stuck” at a certain handicap.

You simply have to get more ADVANCED at the way you have to think about things and DO things if you want to reach the 7-figure mark. And forget about the “normal” habits, thinking and strategies that go with earning 6-figures and below.

In fact, what I have to share with you is NECESSARY in this economy. So I guess you can imagine I’m Alec Baldwin’s character in the movie Glengarry Glen Ross when I telling you:

“I’m Here On A Mission Of Mercy!”

And before you dismiss most of what I’m saying in this letter as “bunk” and “bull” then I’ll let you know that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to building 7-figure businesses.

And it doesn’t matter WHAT business. It could be buggy whips. Underwater basket weaving. Teaching people how to fly fish.

You see, I have students using these strategies with online businesses in health, fitness, and all kinds of hobbies like quilting, teaching and coaching as well as offline businesses in real estate, auto car repair shops and restaurants.

Consider one of my coaching members Penny Halgren. She created a very nice online business all about her hobby of quilting.

She knows more than anybody on earth about quilting. She has awesome products about quilting. And all that wouldn’t be worth a warm cup of spit if she didn’t also know a whole lot more than 99% of businesspeople about lead generation.

One year, she brought 1.6-MILLION visitors to her web sites about quilting, logged over 3-million page views, created membership site subscribers and sold 21 different products and generated several hundred thousand dollars in income – with NO staff, by the way, all automated and out-sourced.

She started this business with one eBook. She mastered the concepts I share in this letter. She credits the entire thing to following MY instructions. She gives me too much credit.

But this IS real, and it is the kind of power you could have to fuel any business you choose. 

I even have some students who invest in real estate…and some who have become a bestselling authors. And all of them have INCREASED their incomes by double to ten times in the past 24 months. 

Heck, one local professional went from $30,000 a month to $400,000 a month in 5 months by using these strategies.

For now, know, YOU can turbo-charge your ability to attract and achieve with what I’m about to share with you in this letter so you can vault your income to 7-figures!

And here’s one reason why you’re being “held back” right now:

You Value Being The “Doer” Of Your Thing… More Than Being The “Marketer” Of Your Thing!

Let’s take my own copywriting business as an example.

I had a guy that requested a quote from me about a year ago. Well, he decided to move forward just recently a year later and now we’re working together.

I quoted him a price of $100,000…plus points on the gross for the copy. The guy is lucky I kept last year’s quote intact.

Now my client could have easily approached any other copywriter and gotten similar work done for about $15,000 to $25,000. And chances are that copywriter would have done a decent enough job to make my client happy.

But would his copy convert 5-times higher than mine? Probably not.

You see, I make a million dollars a year on copywriting fees. And I NEVER have to look for work—as I get work coming to me. And I only spend 20% of my time on client projects.

This is a literal DREAM for most copywriters. Yet, they’ll never get there because most of them are focusing on the wrong thing.

They are focusing on writing the better headline, writing a stronger close, and getting better at writing copy.

When most of their time should be spent on the “who’ing” …in other words the marketing. This is what’s going to vault you from the 6-figure range…all the way to the 7-figure range.

The guy who hired me to write copy for him hired me because I’m Dan Kennedy. That’s because I focused mostly on the “who’ing” in my business…or building up my name.

Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t get some sort of competency in your field. But once you get some modicum of competency, then your focus should be on the “who’ing”…on the marketing.

Gene Simmon’s 7-Figure Secret: It’s All About The “Who’ing!”

Years ago we had KISS bassist Gene Simmons at one of our SuperConferences.

We always have a lot of speakers, but we ended up paying more to Gene than all the other speakers combined.

Was it because he was a better speaker than everyone else. Hardly. 

We paid him extra because he’s Gene-friggin- Simmons! Because of who he is!

That’s because Gene doesn’t waste his time trying to figure out how to be a better bass player. He focuses all his energy on one thing: being Gene Simmons.

So the “who’ing” and the marketing is vastly more important than actual competency or “skill.” And that’s just ONE secret that separates 7-Figure earners from everyone else.

He has decided to leave his “bad” profession. Were we to interrogate this sad-sack, we would discover a “basic” problem and, relevant to this discussion, an “advanced” problem.In an issue of the trade journal for veterinarians, a letter to the editor was published from a doctor whining and complaining bitterly that, despite delivering great care to the animals and service to his customers, in 20 years, he’d never been able to get above a mid-five-figure income.

For the record, the basic problem would be that he mistakenly believes he’s in the business of veterinary medicine – which is not a business; it’s a job, worth about $50,000 a year – not in the business of marketing veterinary care.

Worse, he feels entitled to high income because (a) he’s a doctor and (b) he does his job well. (Note: if I can hire somebody to do your job for $50,000, you owning the job neither guarantees or entitles to a higher wage. Sorry.)

This tip is just ONE of many strategies you should be using right now to give yourself an “unfair” advantage over your competition…and if you don’t do it…

The 6-Figure “Glass Ceiling” Will Seem Impenetrable… Leaving You Frustrated And Confused!

You’ll be working “in” your business year after year, month after month…feeling like you’re “stuck” all the time.

Because no matter how much you’ll try, you’ll NEVER be able to increase your income in your business—leaving you distraught and feeling “inadequate”…and cause you to mistakenly QUIT…like our “sad sack” veterinarian above.

And when your family wants to take that vacation, or your kids want to buy that toy, you’ll have to explain why “Mommy” or “Daddy” cannot afford it.

Sure, you can settle for earning $200,000 to $350,000 per year. But that’s what I call “settle for” income.

Here’s why: in light of today’s economic turmoil and the advent of new taxes, and all the regulations…that income just might NOT be enough!

In the oft chance that we return to normal unemployment rates and good GDP growth in the US, it’s going to take even LONGER for consumers to “recover.” 

Bottom line: You’re setting yourself up for a HUGE risk if you just “settle for” what you’re earning now. Especially when the knowledge, systems, tactics, and expertise currently EXIST….and many people just like you have employed them to attract amazing incomes.

You see, you’ve gone as far as you can with what you now know. And when it comes to learning and practicing the habits of 7-figure earners:

You Just Cannot Listen To The Masses When It Comes To This Stuff!

The concerns of the masses boils down to several things: 1) what is on TV that evening, 2) what “Octomom” or “Casey Anthony” type news story they can fixate on for weeks, and 3) how they can cope with another day at the job they hate.

Think back to who last gave you business advice…or advice in general. Was he/she remotely qualified to give that advice?

It could be a well-meaning family member giving you business advice…when they’re earning a low income working for someone else. Or a neighbor giving you investment advice when they have $30,000 in debt. 

Or a “guru” who comes from the “do as I say…not as I do” school of marketing teaching marketing strategies and tactics they don’t use themselves.

Or a colleague who pats you on the back and let’s you know “how things are done around here” in your business and market. Thinking he’s doing you a favor.

Here’s a rule I’ve stood by my entire life: Figure out what everyone else is doing and do the opposite. Because everyone else is WRONG!

And that goes for taking a business from 6-figures to 7-figures. You simply have to do things that “goes against the grain” of conventional thinking…or what “everyone else” is doing.

My copywriting example above is a good example. The masses automatically assume that getting better at writing copy is going to somehow “attract” more prestige, power, and money.

So if you feel like you’re stuck in your business and aren’t sure where to turn to REALLY boost your profits, then:

 “It’s Not Your Fault!”

Nobody has EVER revealed to you the TRUE success blueprint for taking an existing business and building it up so it’s raking in 7-figures in no time…

…and has actually done it themselves! 

Well, I’m here to tell you that I have. I have over 40+ years of marketing experience under my belt, and I have taught HUNDRED of clients and coaching students to break through the 6-figure barrier…on their way to 7-figures too.

And these are “normal” people too…not people who have “Genius” IQ’s…or huge intellect, or uncanny talents you don’t already have.

And I’ll be the first to tell you that I have absolutely NO talent. But I do have a highly honed set of SKILLS that makes me the “go-to” person for ORDINARY people who want to make extraordinary incomes.

People gladly invest $100,000 to up to $1 million of marketing dollars based on my “say so.” And I have to be right. Otherwise my “Millionaire Maker” status gets raked through the coals.

In other words, I’m one of those rare guys that “Gets It” when it comes to building 7-figure businesses. 

I earn $3 million dollars per year myself, and I teach my private clients and students to do the same through my $18,800 consulting days, $5,000-per-head seminars, and information products that range up to $3,000….

In other words, I do this stuff every day in my business…and teach others how to duplicate my successes. Just ask many of today’s Internet marketing “gurus” who secretly consult with me…unbeknownst to many of their followers. 

In fact…

 I Double-Dog-Dare You To Find ANYONE More Qualified To Teach You How To Earn 7-Figures!

You see, my reputation as a ‘millionaire maker’ is well documented and celebrated. My friend and colleague Brian Tracy wrote, “Dan Kennedy’s ability to get results for his clients is unchallenged.” And People frequently recommend their clients to me for particular consulting engagements – a great tribute.

Nick Nanton referred a client. John Hartman, a marketing “guru” to the photography industry, who I haven’t directly worked with in 10 years, sent me a client just last year. And Greg Renker at the billion dollar Guthy-Renker empire refers clients to me.

So my ability to do what I am about to describe – to show you how you can take any business from 6- to 7-figures – isn’t really open to question. The question will be whether or not you opt to take action on what I have to tell you today.

Now the bad part. This isn’t some pitch for the latest “razzle-dazzle” push-button way to make millions while you sleep. 

You know…those courses with the cool names like, “Online Traffic Tsunami” and “Instant Traffic Typhoon.” And it has nothing to do with any Facebook or Twitter wizardry that’s supposed to solve all your business problems overnight.

 If You’re Not Serious About Marketing…Or Have A Lackadaisical Attitude About Promoting Your Business…Then This Is NOT For You!

So if you constantly fall for the latest “shiny object” being pushed by the gurus…or are constantly looking for a simple solution or a “magic pill” then this will be a HUGE turn-off for you.

And if you’re not motivated to engage in complex business processes…making more money…and erasing the uncertainty and fragility of making money, then you can skip reading this message.

Because I’m going to show you the road less traveled. It’s the road many have used to create substantial wealth from “thin air.” Via marketing and doing things “differently” in your business.

And I decided that there was NO WAY I could do this in a simple 2-hour information product or presentation.

The stakes are just WAY too high for that. I wanted to be as thorough and persuasive as possible…and that meant weeding out the “riff-raff” and attracting the most SERIOUS business owners who are looking for the extra “kick” in their business.

So I decided to invite a limited number of prospects at $5,995/per head to come to Cleveland to reveal a proven pathway to extracting more wealth from their businesses and business activities than they ever thought possible.

And now, you can grab the actual audios and transcript from that LIVE “closed-door” event right now when you claim your copy of:

Dan Kennedy’s 7-Figure Academy

7-Figure Academy covers all the tips, tricks and tactics you can use to boost your income into the 7-figure range.

You’ll get every single minute of the 12 hours of audio on 12 CDs and a 310-page transcript that’ll reveal what most people will NEVER know when it comes to boosting their income from the 6-figure to the 7-figure range.

Again, this comes from the ENTIRE “7-Figure Academy” event I held in Cleveland a couple years ago…where people paid up to $5,995 to attend—depending on their GKIC membership level.

Quite simply, there are steps 7-figure earners take that differ from everyone else…from time management, marketing strategies and “mindset.” 

Most people who strive to approach 7-figures FAIL because they don’t have these specific skillsets you can easily learn.

I go through every single skill, tactic, strategy, and example you can implement right away when it comes to building a business that explodes your wealth and flicks the money-getting switch from “difficult” to “easy.”

And if you think you need some special talent or skill to make it happen for you, then think again:

How “Ordinary” People Are Catapulting Their Income Into The 7-Figure Range—Creating Wealth Out Of “Thin Air!”

Becky Auer could tell you how she developed a customer list of SIXTY-SIX THOUSAND! – in Pittsburgh, fueling the biggest and most successful restaurant in its category there, generating millions, and leading to the restaurant’s sale at a desired price, with what you’ll discover in 7-Figure Academy.

You could ask Dr. Chris Tomshack how he went from 4 to 360 chiropractic clinics at blinding speed and keeps them all awash in patients with these secrets.

You could ask Matt Zagula about his 7-figure income financial advisory practice in a tiny town in West Virginia, Ben Glass about his enormously successful law practice, Craig Proctor about staying on the top ten list of RE/MAX real estate agents worldwide for 10 years – in Toronto, all thanks to the exact kind of strategies that I’m presenting here and, later in on this letter, will offer you an incredible shortcut to. 

If you prefer the eCommerce world, you could talk to Marty Forte at MusicAcademySuccess.com or Jared Brader at AuDExperts.com, and you would discover their very healthy 6-figure to multi-7-figure incomes are thanks to the exact kind of 7-figure blueprint that I’d like you to own.

I am not a mystic. But if you are ready for a REAL business, sales, income and wealth-building breakthrough and sincerely interested in owning a REAL money-making machine, then keep reading!

Here’s Just SOME Of What You’ll Discover In The 7-Figure Academy:

  • 7 “Top Secret” requirements you NEED to have if you want to catapult your income to 7-figures. (You’re not going to discover these in any “mainstream” book or course!)
  • The REAL business you need to be in—my friend the late Gary Halbert drilled this into me at one of his $7,000 seminars…which is $35,000 in today’s money…so you’ll get your money’s worth right here!
  • The secret of “dramatic demonstration” and how that can help you sell more of your product or service then ever possible (It’s something the advertising masters used ALL the time if you know your history!)
  • How to focus on “qualification” when it comes to choosing what client, customer or patient you want to work with (You absolutely HAVE to do this if you want to get in the 7-figure range—nothing else will do!)
  • The 5 keys to leveraging places and people in your quest to become a 7-figure earner. Quite simply, the game gets FASTER when you start banking extra zeros into your bank account!
  • The secret to leveraging brand and assets in your business so you can reach for higher heights of income…otherwise that “glass income ceiling” is going to keep you from doing anything!
  • Why it’s critical to become the “guru” in your industry when it comes to achieving more prestige, wealth, and POWER in your niche (most people shy away from this, but they’re stuck earning 6-figures and below as well…)
  • The importance of OPC (Other People’s Customers)…especially in today’s economy where it’s getting HARDER and harder to get a customer. (I’ll also share several strategies in this regard too!)
  • The way you should be thinking when it comes to lead generation. Most people really BOTCH this up by making this #1 mistake—and they’re stuck earning 6-figures and below their entire lives.
  • Why competition is a GOOD thing…and how you can leverage competition to create a 2nd business out of your current one (most of my Renegade Entrepreneurs end up making MORE money in less time by adding these “multipliers”)
  • The secret to implementing the Strategy of Preeminence…so you’re the only trusted advisor in your prospect’s minds. This is a very advanced concept Jay Abraham shared at the event—and you can use it to boost your business to 7-figures!
  • When manual labor is better when it comes to buying media in some aspects of a 7-figure business (Interestingly, this is something Trump used to do all the time!)
  • If you’re just a “ho-hum” business then you need to check this out! Because I reveal how to “bring something new t

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