Elite Athletic Development Seminar 3.0 – Joe Kenn and Mike Robertson

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$297   $42 – Elite Athletic Development Seminar 3.0 – Joe Kenn and Mike Robertson

Dear fellow coach…

Who Else Wants to Become a More Successful, Established and Confident Strength Coach?

Give Us 1-Hour Per Day for the Next Two Weeks, and if You’re Not on the Right Track, We’ll Refund Your Money. Guaranteed!

At the NFL Combine in 2013, Carolina Panthers strength coach Joe Kenn and I had dinner at Champions Restaurant here in downtown Indianapolis.

Whenever Coach Kenn and I get together, we love to talk shop.

It could be about the athletes we’re working with.

The programs we’re writing.

Or the coaching cues we’re having success with.

But over the course of our chat, one point kept coming up:

The World of Strength and Conditioning
Is at a Crossroads

One on hand, you have the rise of the “Internet Experts.”

People that are doing a ton of talking about training and coaching, but who have little (or no) real-world experience.

On the other hand, we have an issue with the sheer volume of information that’s available to us.

And last but not least, there’s the issue of how you take all this information and actually apply it.

Very few coaches are willing to open the doors and give away their entire training system.

Instead, you get pieces and parts.

A collection of tips and tricks.

Who Can You Trust?

As our good friend Gary Schofield likes to say, “Information is too accessible these days.”

Everyone and their mother can have a blog, You Tube channel, and 150,000 Instagram followers.

  • With so much information at your fingertips, who can you trust?
  • What coaches are not only talking the talk, but walking the walk?
  • And who can help you take the performance of yourself (and your athletes) to the next level?

So we knew there was an issue, but we weren’t totally sure how to address it.

But as we kept talking, we realized…

There’s a Way to Make Continuing Education
FAR More Valuable

During our chat, Joe and I realized that most strength and conditioning seminars weren’t designed with the attendee in mind.

First, the sessions are far too short. It’s impossible to cover a topic in 45-60 minutes.

Second, it’s not always easy or convenient to travel.

But perhaps the worst issue with many courses is that there’s no practical application at the end.

You might sit through a lecture for 60 minutes, thinking all the while how smart the presenter sounds, only to realize at the end that you have no clue how to use the information!

All great seminars should provide information that takes time to implement, but will improve your training system.

But it’s also important to provide what we call “Monday morning value.”

Information that you can use and apply immediately.

But unfortunately, that’s rarely (if ever) the case.

Look, you’re already on your way to being a great coach. 

You’re serious about your continuing education, and taking your skills to the next level.

You’ve taken lower level courses and got what you can out of them.

But isn’t it time to take a serious step forward in your evolution as a strength and conditioning coach?

If so, then let me tell you…

Why the Elite Athletic Development
Seminar is Different

One thing that was frustrating to Joe and I was how a lot of traditional seminars worked.

With only 45-5o minutes to present, it felt like just as we were getting warmed up, it was time to shut the presentation down!

Yet that frustration led to a moment of clarity for both of us…

…if we wanted to give an all-access, no-holds barred seminar, WE would have to run it!

So that’s exactly what we’ve done.

For the past three years, Coach Kenn and I have hosted the Elite Athletic Development Seminar.

This seminar has brought in strength and conditioning coaches from across the United States. 

And if you factor in DVD sales from previous years, our materials have been watched across the globe!

When we started hosting this course, one thing stood out:

Our attendees wanted wanted longer, more in-depth sessions that went beyond the superficial fluff.

They wanted big-picture ideas that would not only help them improve their training system – but also give them tools and strategies they could start using immediately.

And perhaps most importantly, they wanted to learn from coaches they trusted.

The Coaches Behind the
Elite Athletic Development Seminar


Coach Kenn is a legend in the strength and conditioning world.

He’s a 25-year coaching veteran on the high school, collegiate, and professional levels. And he is currently is the Strength & Conditioning Coach of the Carolina Panthers.

Coach Kenn has been named the NSCA collegiate and professional strength coach of the year, making him the first coach ever to win both awards. And in 2016, he was named the NFL strength and conditioning coach of the year.

Beyond his accolades, Coach Kenn has lectured across the globe to help coaches get more out of their athletes using his Tier System approach to training.

Mike Robertson, MS, CSCS, USAW

My name is Mike Robertson and I’m the President of Robertson Training Systems. I’m also the co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (or IFAST) in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Like Coach Kenn, I’ve worked with athletes of all shapes and sizes, from high school to the pros.

I spent time as an assistant strength and conditioning coach at Ball State University.

I worked at a small 1-A high school for 3 years here in Indianapolis.

But my true passion is training professional athletes in their off-season. This is the time where I can have maximum impact on an athletes performance.

In recent years, athletes from the NBA, NFL and MLS have trusted me to get them in the best shape of their lives.

Every Coach Will Struggle and Fail

But here’s the thing – both Joe and I have had our struggles along the way.

Even with his illustrious career and accolades, Coach Kenn was fired from Louisville in 2009 after his football team went 3-9

And I’ve dealt with adversity myself.

I spent the early part of my career in jobs that earned me a paycheck, but weren’t the right fit for me personally or professionally.

The bottom line is this: 

Regardless of where you’re at now, where you’re going is what’s most important.

You have to have a vision for your future.

You have to put in the work every single day to get better.

And you have to understand that every coach will struggle and fail over the course of their career.

But ultimately, if you stay focused and work hard, you will be rewarded with a career that is fulfilling both personally and professionally.

Whether you’re a young coach who is just getting started, or a seasoned veteran in the physical preparation game, we have something that can help you break through.

If you are ready to take fast-track you personal development as a coach, let me tell you about….

What You’ll Take Away from the EAD Seminar 3.0 Video’s

The Elite Athletic Development 3.0 Seminar Videos are a recording of this years seminar.

Just like in years past, we go in-depth on every topic. 

But this year, we had the added benefit of giving our seminar at Coppel High School in Coppel, Texas.

This beautiful venue allowed us to add in practical and hands-on sessions that weren’t possible in years past.

Here’s what we covered in this years seminar:

  • Video 1 – The R7 Approach to Training (79 minutes)

In my keystone presentation, this is the system that I use to develop all my training programs.

Every coach wants to write great programs. And with this system in place, you’ll write consistently great programs in less time.

In many ways, the R7 Approach is similar to a checklist. It will give you a way to “check your work” every step of the way, to make sure that you’re writing complete, and balanced, programs.

  • Video 2 – The Block Zero Concept (97 minutes)

At some point in time, every coach will have to introduce new athletes into their system.

But what’s the most efficient and effective way to do that?

And how can you build a system that gets athletes to move the way you want?

Block Zero will give you a step-by-step proram to on-board new athletes into your program. Not only is this great for young athletes, but also for veterans who are new to your programming.

  • Video 3 – Block Zero Hands-On (102 minutes)

Once you understand the Block Zero template, it’s time to put the pieces together.

What postures and positions do your athletes need to be able to achieve?

And what exercises or progressions do you need to use to get them there?

This video will cover all of that, plus provide insight into “Grid Training” – a fantastic tool for building work capacity in your athletes.

  • Video 4 – Single-Leg Training (70 minutes)

The battle rages on between bilateral and single-leg training.

Which is better?

Should you be incorporating single-leg training into your programming?

What benefits does it provide?

And last but not least, do you have a system for implementing single-leg work?

This video will give the rationale for single-leg training, as well as a streamlined progression for introducing it in your program.

And going a step further, I cover the critical aspects and coaching angles you need to address when coaching single-leg exercises.

This way, you’ll make sure to get maximum return on your investment.

  • Videos 5 & 6 – Dissecting the Tier System (51 and 78 minutes)

Some coaches make a lot of money making program design look and feel complex.

In this presentation, Coach Kenn will take you step-by-step through a tier-system approved program.

Working with the attendees of the course in an interactive format, you’ll see exactly how to

  1. Lay out a Tier System approved program,
  2. Build exercise pools,
  3. Rotate exercises, and
  4. Develop awesome programs for your athletes.
  • Video 7 – Breathing and Core Training Lecture (72 minutes)

“Core training” has been a buzzword for years.

And done right, core training is a critical component for your athletes success.

But are you doing everything in your power to maximize your core training?

In this video, we’ll break down core training.

  • Why is breathing so important?
  • Is it as simple as just doing some belly breaths?
  • And what muscles are we targeting and addressing?

I’ll break this down in painstaking detail, so you’ll understand how the core works better than 99% of your peers

  • Video 8 – Breathing and Core Training Hands-On (49 minutes)

Let’s be honest: Knowing the anatomy and how things should work is one thing.

But getting an athlete to move and feel what you want?

That’s a totally different ballgame!

In his hands-on session, I’ll take you through a multitude of breathing and core training exercises.

You’ll get the exact thoughts and coaching cues I use with my athletes, as well as some of my go-to progressions and regressions.

Because at the end of the day, you need both great exercises and great cuing for maximal effectiveness.

  • Videos 9 & 10 – Establishing a Coaching Identity (63 and 65 minutes)

The final presentation is Joe Kenn being Joe Kenn.

In this motivating and inspirational talk, Joe keeps it real on what it means to be a coach.

The critical factors that can make or break your career.

And most importantly, how to be truly successful as a physical preparation coach.

Let’s be honest: This guy has spent 28 years in the field, and he’s been successful at every level of sport.

If you want to take your own career to the next level, this is a talk you absolutely have to hear!

Will You Make the Time to Get Better?

If you’re doing the math here, that’s over 12 hours of top-notch content.

But like you, I know that time is short.

With two kids, a wife, and two businesses, I know how valuable time is.

But I also believe if you’re serious about getting better, you make time every day to do it.

You get up an hour earlier.

You stay up an hour later.

Or you work through lunch.

But everyone can find one hour per day to get better.

And if you put in one-hour of work on our materials for the next 2 weeks, there’s no doubt in our minds you’ll be a better strength coach as a result.

But you want to know the best thing about all of this?

Unlike our seminar attendees, you don’t have to travel to Texas to have access to all this great information!

It’s Time to Take the Next BIG Step
In Your Coaching Career…

Coaches who attended the EADS 3.0 seminar invested anywhere from $297-$497 to register.

They had to travel to Texas, where a flight cost at least $400.

And then you factor in 2-3 nights of hotel, at $150 a pop.

All in, these coaches spent well over a $1,000 to take their skills to the next level.

Now you can have access to all of these great materials, while learning from the comfort of your own home, for only $297!

Are You Willing to Invest in Yourself?

Like time, money is always an issue.

If you’re still thinking of things in terms of cost, you must change your mindset.

You have to start thinking in terms of value.

The 12-hours of content you’ll get from this video set are guaranteed to make you a more confident and successful coach.

Someone that your peers look up to and respect.

And most importantly, you’re not just investing in yourself, but the health and well-being of your athletes as well.

So what are you waiting for?

Pick up your copy of the EADS 3.0 Seminar Videos today!

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

Still not convinced that the Elite Athletic Development 3.0 Seminar Videos are worth your time and money?

If not, I get it – and I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.

Chances are at some point you’ve either attended a course, or purchased a product, and not been satisfied.

I know first-hand, as it’s happened to me, too.

I’ve purchased videos that were sold hard, but after review, had little to no value.

I’ve traveled to events where I spent money, taking time away from my friends, family and businesses.

And walked away with virtually nothing to show for it.

There’s no worse feeling than paying for something that was not as valuable as you would’ve hoped.

So to make this decision as easy as possible, Coach Kenn and I are offering up our no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.

Take the time to review all the materials (hopefully several times, if possible).

We know that your money is hard-earned, and that your time is invaluable.

If you don’t feel like the information in these videos will significantly improve your programming and coaching, send the materials back within 60-days and get a full refund.

It’s the least we can do to earn your trust.

What Are You Waiting For?

The Elite Athletic Development 3.0 Seminar videos feature over 12-hours of top notch content that’s guaranteed to take you to the next level.

Whether you’re a young coach just getting started, or a seasoned veteran, we guarantee that you’ll find these materials helpful.

And if for any reason you’re not satisfied, return the product for a full refund – and keep every single bonus item.

If you’re serious about your career…

…if you’re serious about helping your athletes…

…and if you’re serious about seeing just how far you can go as a strength and conditioning coach…

…pick up your copy of the Elite Athletic Development 3.0 Seminar Videos today!

All the best,

Mike Robertson

But Mike! I Don’t Train Pro Athletes…

Some people may think that the materials in this video set won’t help them because Coach Kenn and I train pros.

On the contrary, our talks are based around systems and principles, which will apply to you regardless of the level you’re coaching at.

Furthermore, the Block Zero concept is specifically designed to help you on board new athletes, and especially young athletes, into your system.

Quite simply, this video set will benefit you, whether you train youth athletes, professionals, or anything in between.

But Mike! I’ve Bought the EADS 1.0 and/or 2.0 videos – How Is This Different?

First off, if that’s the case, thank you so much for your support. I truly appreciate it.

Every year, Coach Kenn and I meticulously plan what talks we want to give.

And this has to happen, because many of our attendees come to every event we put on!

There’s a balance between improving our keystone content, and providing new material.

While there will always be overlap from year-to-year, this content gives more insight than ever before.

And when you factor in the upgrades from years past with the new materials and hands-on, we’re sure you’ll agree the content is world class again this year.

Please don’t delay any further.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your coaching evolution, pick up your copy of the EADS 3.0 videos today!

$297   $42 – Elite Athletic Development Seminar 3.0 – Joe Kenn and Mike Robertson

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