It is not about colors or symbols. It is about going directly to the cause of the upset and clearing and aligning for harmony within you for change.
The information from the insights on chakras is extremely empowering for creating change and places our manifesting power totally in our own hands.
Each chakra directly affects the process of manifesting as it relates to how we feel about ourselves and our life experience even if the influence has come from others. We have the ability to create the changes from within our energy system to become the master of our own destiny.
Dynamic Empowerment through our chakras offers powerful clearings and updates our energy centers which house broadcasting and attracting abilities which I found to be operating on out of date frequencies – or stuck in the patterns of the old way which no longer work.
Chakras need to be cleared and aligned for complete agreeance with our decision to have a particular manifestation take place. We have different aspects of ourselves influencing our lives and we have not been consciously aware of the effect they have been having on our current reality or on our ability to manifest. We have also been affecting by the influence from others in our life and this has not afforded us bright outcomes.
Creating powerful inner alignments allows us to experience life in a state of self -acceptance and as we become more congruent with ourselves and we can enjoy the process of creating our manifestations as well as their outcome.
Being strong in the decisions we are currently making and clearing old patterns that are secondary to the new decisions creates space for us to know the creation on the energy level has already taken place and manifestation is a natural result.
Methods that no longer work can be still operating in our system and need to be deleted as humanity has now grown from being a product of this world to operating as creators and co-creators of this world.
The power to manifest your life belongs in YOUR OWN HANDS – learn and experience NEW INSIGHTS for understanding YOUR OWN POWER to be in driver’s seat and create your world instead of being a product of it.
I have created 2 Powerful MP3’s which I am giving as bonus’s to add to a powerful 12 days of clearing and alignments.
Chakra Clearing and Alignments – Creating Inner Harmony and a new way of seeing and feeling about yourself. This MP3 has powerful clearings and alignment and you will feel lighter as you use it. There are is a silent version and also one with nature sounds and brain entrainment.
Chakra Manifesting Alignments – allowing all aspects of you to be congruent with your decided upon manifestation. This will clear any deep parts of yourself that you have not been able to access. There is a silent version and one with isochronic brainwave entrainment.
All MP3s designed to allow you to be present, supportive and appreciative of yourself as well as to experience the joy of being yourself.
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