Jason Capital – Power Speaking Academy

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Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $145.00.

It’s called the FEAR Annihilator Method, and it will erase the fear you have inside of you about public speaking and replace it with power and conviction and certainty.

You will not find any training like this anywhere else, it does not exist…

I found this method from an incredibly popular book published in 1841. Back then, this technique had liberated thousands of people. It was a huge hit and then the Civil War started. That’s how old this technique is…

Purchase this course you will earn 145 Points worth of $14.50!

Buy Jason Capital – Power Speaking Academy Course at GBesy. We actively participate in Groupbuys and are committed to sharing knowledge with a wider audience. Rest assured, the quality of our courses matches that of the original sale page. If you prefer, you can also buy directly from the sale page at the full price (the SALEPAGE link is directly provided in the post).

It’s called the FEAR Annihilator Method, and it will erase the fear you have inside of you about public speaking and replace it with power and conviction and certainty.

You will not find any training like this anywhere else, it does not exist…

I found this method from an incredibly popular book published in 1841. Back then, this technique had liberated thousands of people. It was a huge hit and then the Civil War started. That’s how old this technique is…

Jason Capital – Power Speaking Academy course with special price just for you$1500  $147

Jason Capital - Power Speaking AcademyJason Capital – Power Speaking Academy

Let me ask you, if you were putting together the most badass skill EVER for getting rich… what would it look like?

  •  It would be PROVEN. Beyond belief. For example, every Top 100 Internet Millionaire would be using it right now to get rich. Which is exactly what they’re doing and why they’re not telling you about it…
  •  It would be EASY. Not “3 clicks and you’re rich” easy but easy enough that someone with no tech skill could start making money with it today. Oddly enough (and I hate admitting this because it sounds unbelievable), the One Skill Side Hustle requires only 3 mouse clicks on your end most of the time…
  •  It would be LUCRATIVE. There’s no point in me teaching you this skill if it’s not gonna level you up in life. One of my students cleared 6-figures last month with this one skill. Would $100,000 a month work for you?
  •  It would BUY TIME. As my recent article in Forbes stated, the One Skill Side Hustle is the highest-paying gig in the world per hour. Pro athletes won’t even be bringing in the kind of dough you could be making…

Power Speakers are not born, they’re MADE.

  • So if you weren’t born a Power Speaker, not a problem….
  • Because there’s simple tools that I’m gonna show you that will transform you into a Power Speaker too….
  • But what if you’re afraid of public speaking?
  • This is the biggest misconception in the game…
  • You’re not afraid, you’re EXCITED…
  • The idea of having screaming fans loving you TURNS YOU ON…

The 7-Week Power Speaker Academy

The only speaking mentorship in the world that not only TRANSFORMS YOU into a Power Speaker and teaches you what the Top 100 Internet Millionaires never will about making money online but also…

…guarantees you make a minimum of $50,000 on the side as a Power Speaker.

I’ve been working privately on this subject for seven years now…

And now I’ve (finally) turned into a system that can transform anyone into a Power Speaker – on video, on stage, on webinars and in everyday life.

Remember: Power Speakers are not born, they’re MADE… and that’s exactly what I’m going to do inside for you as I truly UNLEASH YOU on every level…

Excited? Me too…

As a Power Speaker, I’ve made over $770,000 in one 90 minute presentation… what if you did even 1/10th of that?

I’ve made over $541,000 in 60 minutes (that’s over $500,000 an hour)…

What if you did even 1/100th of that? That’d be $5,000… stuffed into your pocket… RIGHT NOW. Are you starting to see why so many people BUZZ about becoming a Power Speaker?

One of my students who I trained as a Power Speaker did his first webinar a few months ago…

His name’s Ryan Magin, and Ryan’s audience was less than 100 people on his webinar…

Ryan made $21,000 the very first week as a Power Speaker…

He was speechless…

What if your audience is only 1/10th the size of Ryan’s? Which would be only 10 PEOPLE ON YOUR WEBINAR…

You’d still make $2,100 your very first week as a Power Speaker…

That’s over $100,000 ON THE SIDE as a Power Speaker this year if your audience NEVER got bigger than 700 followers…

And let’s be honest, you know you could get 700 followers in one year if you had to…

In fact, it’s going to be EASY FOR YOU to get 700 (or more) followers because I’m going to provide them for you…


Right now I’m looking to create as many 6-figure success stories as I can…

So when you join us inside the Power Speaker Academy by today, I’m going to publish your best talk across all my social media channels…

That’s over 300,000 people who will see your best talk as a Power Speaker…

Think about how many people that will attract to your social media or your webinar…

I’m giving you this bonus for FREE because I know there’s no faster way to turn you into a 6-figure success story than to just hand you the audience…

Frankly, this one free bonus is worth the entire price of admission to get into the Power Speaker Academy…

There’s just one snag in the system…

Right now I get paid $25,000 by industry leaders for this exact same training you’re getting…

They pay me so much to:

  • Teach them the Power Speaker tools and formulas and;
  •  UNLEASH THEM too as speakers and in every area of their life…

Like you they realize $25,000 to learn the formula to making $10,000… $5,000… even just $1,500 every week with a talk, webinar or video adds up fast as hell…

This is an investment to them, not a cost, with huge ROI…

The same it is to you BUT…

They’re not pleased I’m going to share everything with you for a fraction of the price they invested…

So I negotiated a deal on your behalf here…

Instead of the $25,000 they invest, I’ve worked out a special to ensure you won’t have to invest anything close to that…

That means you’ll be getting the formula that made $181,000 my very first week for less than $25,000..

Which my private clients currently pay…

But to get complete access to this, you must agree to:

  • Not rub it in their face that you got everything for so much less than them. That just wouldn’t be cool, and a lot of these clients you know of, many speak at HSS, are famous online, etc
  •  Implement what I teach you. You’ll be sitting on gold by the time we’re done. I don’t want you sitting on gold though, I want you printing it, ok?

I’ll tell you more about your massive discount in just a minute…

First, let me tell you about everything I’m including in today’s incredible offer…


The FEAR Annihilator Method

What if your brain is afraid of public speaking? I’d like you to meet the cure…

It’s called the FEAR Annihilator Method, and it will erase the fear you have inside of you about public speaking and replace it with power and conviction and certainty.

You will not find any training like this anywhere else, it does not exist…

I found this method from an incredibly popular book published in 1841. Back then, this technique had liberated thousands of people. It was a huge hit and then the Civil War started. That’s how old this technique is…

After the war, it was like the whole country had changed, people had just forgotten about it…

While traveling in Vietnam last year browsing through a random bookstore, I found this book and method…

It blew my mind, I had to try it…

And it instantly erased the fears I had in terms of just being more open and vulnerable with the people closest to me…

I wondered if I could use it for public speaking and my clients who had issues with that and it worked even better.

One of my students who was ALWAYS AFRAID OF SPEAKING just gave a talk to 800 people…and he got a standing ovation. Imagine if that were you… it will be with the FEAR Annihilator Method applied to your brain.

As an exclusive member of the Power Speaker Academy, it’s yours FREE.

But that’s not all..

Listen to what else you’re getting now…

What if your brain is afraid of public speaking? I’d like you to meet the cure…

It’s called the FEAR Annihilator Method, and it will erase the fear you have inside of you about public speaking and replace it with power and conviction and certainty.

You will not find any training like this anywhere else, it does not exist…

I found this method from an incredibly popular book published in 1841. Back then, this technique had liberated thousands of people. It was a huge hit and then the Civil War started. That’s how old this technique is…

After the war, it was like the whole country had changed, people had just forgotten about it…

While traveling in Vietnam last year browsing through a random bookstore, I found this book and method…

It blew my mind, I had to try it…

And it instantly erased the fears I had in terms of just being more open and vulnerable with the people closest to me…

I wondered if I could use it for public speaking and my clients who had issues with that and it worked even better.

One of my students who was ALWAYS AFRAID OF SPEAKING just gave a talk to 800 people…and he got a standing ovation.

Imagine if that were you… it will be with the FEAR Annihilator Method applied to your brain.

As an exclusive member of the Power Speaker Academy, it’s yours FREE.

But that’s not all..

Listen to what else you’re getting now…


My Passion-To-Profit Blueprint

Have you ever seen these people online who live this great life AND get paid for knowledge they already have?

What if YOU could get do that too? And get paid for knowledge you already have?

One, you can, and two, that’s exactly what I’m going to show you inside my Passion To Profit Blueprint…

This is over 8 hours of me teaching you everything I know about turning your personal passion into a recurring profit stream online…

Right now you have knowledge or a passion that if you packaged it the right way, you could sell to an audience and a marketplace for a very high profit margin…

We could make this a $1,000 – $5,000 a month income stream for you, or you could go “all-in” and turn it into a whole new career for you and make much more…

You already have a passion.. talent.. skill.. Or hobby and if you’re not profiting off it everyday right now, you’re literally flushing money down the toilet every single day…

There’s only one thing humans should flush down the toilet and money is NOT it…

So let’s stop flushing your money down the toilet and turn your passion into profit too…

This bonus is yours and FREE as an exclusive member of the Power Speaker Academy…

Get Jason Capital – Power Speaking Academy at the CourseAvai


The Authority Accelerator

What if no one knows who you are in your industry or niche right now? What if you don’t have a lot of followers? And so no one’s gonna lsiten to you?

That’s exactly who my 30-Day Authority Accelerator was designed for…

This is a 30-day blitz that showers the people who don’t know you (but should) with simple, easy-to-create 1-minute pieces of content that position you as an authority with credibility in your marketplace…

Point blank: If I didn’t have authority, I wouldn’t be a multimillionaire today.

Neither would any of my friends like Dan Lok, Bedros Keuilian, Joel Marion and others.

So if you don’t have authority, you’re pushing water uphill – it’ll never happen.

This bonus was a NECESSITY for many of my top success stories, and it may prove to be the most valuable bonus of all for you.


My Video BEAST Program

If you never got good on video, you’d be f*cked.

I’m dead serious.

By next year, 4/5 of the entire Internet will be video.

People who just write will be going extinct soon. Not unlike the dinosaurs.

And you saw the video of me higher on this page from when I was starting…

I was not always at the level you see me today at…

Because getting good on video is a learnable skill (and a necessary skill)…

And I’ll be installing this super-valuable skill into you inside the Video BEAST Program…

This program isn’t as much a training as it is an UNLEASHING FOR YOU…

I believe I could sell it on its own for $2,000 right now and have hundreds of people happily pay me that…

Because you’re becoming an exclusive member of the Power Speaker Academy, it’s yours FREE now…


VIP Tickets To My Power Speaker Retreat

So picture this…

You’re now a Power Speaker… You’re unleashed on every level… You’re making $10,000 every time you do a webinar and you’re doing ‘em every week… You feel more powerful than ever… what’s the one thing you need now?

How about FRIENDS that are also Power Speakers like you?

Friends you could share secrets with, talk shop with and learn from…

How valuable would that be?

So I’m putting on a private event on the beach called the Power Speaker Retreat bringing in all my Power Speakers in one room so you can create valuable alliances and friendships with people just like you…

At the Retreat, I’ll also be pulling up the hood on my entire speaking business and showing you everything…

How I get booked to speak at other people’s events… How I pitch and close from the stage… How I make $50,000 from webinars with 100 people or less…and much much more.

The Power Speaker Retreat will not be publicized anywhere and tickets are not for sale (if they were, they’d start at $1,000 a pop)…

This VIP Ticket Bonus is yours and FREE as an exclusive member of the Power Speaker Academy…


Platform Millions

Now I want to share with you my honest to God secret to becoming a true, true Power Speaker….

At my first live event, ever, two people showed up…

One of them left early and I lost $400 on the event because I had to pay for all the room…

My second event had 225 people….

I went from two people to 225 people and I made $150,000…

What changed?

Before that second event, I had a private meeting with my mentor, Bedros Keuilian…

And he knew I had this event coming up…

So he just gave me a private-label copy of an exclusive talk he gave where Bedros made $150,000 in a day..

And he told me point blank, “Jason, copy me.”

The truth is there are less than 300 recorded talks like the one Bedros handed me… where the speaker literally makes six figures or sometimes even a million dollars or even multiple millions in a single day….

Imagine that… Making six figures, seven figures, or even multiple seven figures in a single day as a Power Speaker with one talk…

How’d I make $150,000 in a weekend? I had access to ONE of these talks and I modeled it…

Imagine if you having access to all these talks…

How valuable would it be if I could give you all 300 of those recorded talks? And I could give you the same permission I got from Bedros to just copy them?

Well, here’s my little secret… I’ve been building my own private treasure trove of these talks. Many from speakers you would recognize immediately and… you will be amazed how much money that these speakers are making with these speeches.

In fact, I paid $6,000 for access to just one of these 300 talks… (it’s from a Vegas hypnotist who’s also a Power Speaker…he routinely closes half the room with this talk)…

I have spent well over $50,000 getting my hands on these talks and now as a part of my new service Platform Millions, I’m going to send you lifetime access to one of these talks every single month as a Power Speaker….

You’re only going to be filling your brain now with the best, highest profitable talks of all time…

You’ll also get expert commentary breaking down what the speaker is doing each step of the way so they leaves a lasting impact on the audience and they make fucking bank…

You’ll know exactly what they’re doing, why they’re doing and HOW they’re doing it so you can clone their magic that very same day…

To put this together on your own would take you well over 7 years and over $50,000 in expenses…

You’re getting it immediately now.

My clients pay me $5,000 a year for this service…

And my publishers are begging me not to discount Platform Millions either…

But to reward you for going forward with your life as a Power Speaker now…

And choosing to be someone who OVERCOMES the obstacles in their life instead of falling to them, you’re going to get Platform Millions annually for just $995…

It’s my gift to you and the best thanks you can give me is making so much money with it like I have that no one in your family ever has to worry about money ever again too…


The $1,500 Motherload Bonus (FREE TODAY ONLY):

Because you’re here first, I’m giving you our $1,500 Motherload Bonus for FREE…

With this, you’re going to get:

The 10-Minute Webinar:

My team recorded an over-the-shoulder screen recording showing you how to set up your own webinar in under 10 minutes. No tech experience required. Just follow along and 10 minutes later, your first webinar will be set up to print money for you as a true Power Speaker…

500 Free Followers A Month

I want your audience to keep growing so this is 10-minute-a-day system my team uses in-house to add a minimum of 500 new followers a day on Instagram. No bots, spam or weird shit. This is a legal, ethical way to grow your IG account consistently with targeted followers interested in what you offer.

The Great Product Generator

No product? No problem. This is how I create a great info-product that GUARANTEES RESULTS for my students in under 30 minutes. I paid my mentor Taki Moore $1,500 to learn this technique and it’s pure magic especially if you’ve never created an info-product before.

Having this skill is pure alchemy and will allow you to make money literally on-command whenever you want. Remember this: Create a product, get paid, create a product, get paid…

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