Master British English – Ester Bruhl

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Master British English – Ester Bruhl Download. You CAN change your accent and start speaking English like a British native. In less than 15 minutes a day a…

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$69   $15 – Master British English – Ester Bruhl

Do you want to speak English fluently and with an British accent? how to speak English clearly on the phone

Sick of being asked to repeat yourself?

Tired of people not understanding you?

Worried about losing your job or no one hiring you?

Can’t understand native English speakers?

Trouble being understood on the phone?

Embarrassed or shy in social situations?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then I have great news for you!

You CAN change your accent and start speaking English like a British native. In less than 15 minutes a day and from the comfort of your own home.

You just need to know the RIGHT way to practise. Our Ultimate British Accent Training Package gives you all the exercises and methods you need for improving your English pronunciation.

You can download the program and start practising within a matter of minutes. You’ll be on your way to sounding like a British native in no time at all!

Join 40,000 Students From 32 Countries

Who Now Speak with Clear British English


Speak English clearly testimonial speak more clearly review

“Remarkable quick progress”

I bought the British accent course a couple of weeks ago. It really helped me to make a quick remarkable progress. Thank you for your useful programmes and for your innovative ideas to help us in language improvement.

– Mona (UAE/Arabic)

Why You Strug­gle To Change Your Eng­lish Accent

Why is it so dif­fi­cult to change your accent? After work­ing with thou­sands of non-native Eng­lish speak­ing peo­ple (many of whom have lived, or live in an Eng­lish speak­ing coun­try) we dis­cov­ered the 7 com­mon rea­sons why peo­ple strug­gle …

You have no one to prac­tise with

You’re too busy work­ing in a job or study­ing

You don’t know where to start

You feel you’re too old to change

You don’t know how to change your accent

You can’t afford expen­sive pri­vate lessons

You tried oth­er pro­nun­ci­a­tion train­ing pro­grams that didn’t work

When you fol­low our easy, step-by-step exer­cis­es, your accent will change and you’ll sound like a native British speak­er – in just 15 min­utes of prac­tise a day!

You Can Speak Eng­lish With An Authen­tic

British Accent In Just 15 Min­utes A Day

When you down­load the Ulti­mate British Accent Train­ing Pro­gram and begin prac­tis­ing you’ll be able to:

Speak Eng­lish with a British accent

Speak with cor­rect British pro­nun­ci­a­tion

Com­mu­ni­cate clear­ly with your co-work­ers and get ahead at work.

No more fear of speak­ing on the phone

Be under­stood the first time you speak

Change, reduce or neu­tralise your accent and be clear­ly under­stood.

Under­stand oth­er British speak­ers when they talk

Speak with con­fi­dence and don’t pause or freeze when speak­ing Eng­lish.

6 Rea­sons Why The Ulti­mate British Accent Train­ing

Pack­age Is Dif­fer­ent From Oth­er Cours­es

Why is the Ulti­mate British Accent Pack­age regard­ed as the MOST effec­tive Pro­nun­ci­a­tion and accent alter­ing course on the mar­ket today? Check out these 6 rea­sons below.

Designed By Speech Ther­a­pist

Our pro­gram has been designed by Esther Bruhl, a lead­ing speech ther­a­pist with over 30 years expe­ri­ence in help­ing thou­sands of peo­ple improve their Eng­lish clar­i­ty and accent.

Learn In 15 Min­utes A Day

You don’t have to spend hours a day prac­tis­ing or attend­ing bor­ing class­es. You can start improv­ing your Eng­lish pro­nun­ci­a­tion and chang­ing your accent in just 15 min­utes a day.

Sci­en­tif­ic Learn­ing Method

Our cours­es use the Audi­to­ry Immer­sion Tech­nique which changes your neu­rol­o­gy to speed up the process of get­ting a new accent. This tech­nique helps form stronger con­nec­tions in the speech and lan­guage cen­tres of the brain for your new clear pro­nun­ci­a­tion.

Easy Lessons With British Speak­ers

Our pro­gram uses native Eng­lish speak­ers and every­day lan­guage to nat­u­ral­ly and quick­ly improve your pro­nun­ci­a­tion.

Learn From Any­where, Any­time

You can down­load the course onto your desk­top, lap­top com­put­er, iPad or smart­phone and go through the audio train­ing any­where, any­time.

Life­time Access For One Low Price

Oth­er online pro­grams can cost up to $1,600. We want to help every­one, and so we give you life­time access to our British Train­ing course for one low price.

The Sci­ence Behind Why This Pro­gram Gets Fast Results

Our course uses the Audi­to­ry Immer­sion Tech­nique which changes your neu­rol­o­gy to speed up the process of get­ting a new accent. It works by form­ing stronger neu­ro­log­i­cal con­nec­tions in the speech and lan­guage cen­tres of the brain for your new pro­nun­ci­a­tion. “What the ear can ‘hear’ the voice can repro­duce.” (Alfred Toma­tis – famous Ear, Nose and Throat spe­cial­ist)

You sim­ply lis­ten to the exer­cise and repeat the word or phrase. Over time your nat­ur­al lan­guage skills, and the expand­ed abil­i­ty of the ear, will cause your accent in Eng­lish to nat­u­ral­ly change to be more like the native speak­er in our audio train­ing.

We have includ­ed pre­cise, detailed instruc­tion for where to place your tongue and lips for each sound. This allows you to posi­tion your mouth for sounds you may find dif­fi­cult, and prac­tis­ing the mouth posi­tion togeth­er with the audio input, will give you more rapid progress. Because there is no com­plex soft­ware, or elab­o­rate the­o­ry it is so easy to prac­tise! Sim­ply lis­ten and repeat the exer­cis­es any time you have a few spare min­utes.

Gain British Pro­nun­ci­a­tion In 15 Min­utes A Day

(Prac­tise From Any­where, Any­time)

As well as the 11 Video lessons and over 140 audio lessons for each vow­el and con­so­nant sound, you will get these 6 extra prac­tise sec­tions:

Improve your accent in English. Accent reduction1. Rhythm and into­na­tion

Prac­tise mate­r­i­al on how to use rhythm and into­na­tion so you will sound more nat­ur­al when you speak Eng­lish.

2. How to use elision/linking in Eng­lish

This will teach you how to speak with flow­ing, flu­id sen­tences and not sound stiff and unnat­ur­al when you speak. It will also allow you to speak Eng­lish much more quick­ly so you sound like a native speak­er.

3. Prac­tise sen­tences for stress and mean­ing in Eng­lish

This sec­tion includes audio record­ings with prac­tise sen­tences so you can mas­ter where to put the stress on words in sen­tences.

Get immediately download Ester Bruhl – Master British English

4. Prac­tise dia­logues for nat­ur­al con­ver­sa­tion­al speech

Includes audios to prac­tise speak­ing in con­ver­sa­tion­al speech for flu­ent British Eng­lish. Learn the cor­rect stress pat­terns, pro­nun­ci­a­tion and into­na­tion for British Eng­lish. This will give you clear, quick­er nat­ur­al speech.

5. Para­graphs for prac­tis­ing stress and into­na­tion

You will learn how to use stress and into­na­tion cor­rect­ly for British Eng­lish. The audio train­ers use con­nect­ed speech in para­graphs so you can prac­tise speak­ing nat­u­ral­ly, with cor­rect stress and into­na­tion, using more com­plex Eng­lish.

6. Notes on what spe­cif­ic sounds to work on for 9 dif­fer­ent back­ground lan­guages

Notes for: Indi­an, Ara­bic, Chi­nese, French, Japan­ese, Span­ish, Viet­namese, Fil­ipino and Kore­an speak­ers.

Sep­a­rate pack­age of all the audios from the British Accent Full Course in down­load­able form so you can copy them to any mp3 device

Copy to your smart­phone /iPad /iPod /CD or any oth­er mp3 device

Prac­tise any­where, any­time

Effort­less suc­cess – prac­tise on the go; in the car, train, bus or even plane, any­time you have a few spare min­utes.

Speeds up your progress because you are lis­ten­ing more often, and through head­phones, to achieve total audi­to­ry immer­sion. You are strength­en­ing your new neu­ro­log­i­cal con­nec­tions for your new British accent at a faster rate.

How Much Does The Course Cost?

(Save $130 today with our spe­cial pro­mo­tion)

Before I tell you the price, let me ask you a few impor­tant ques­tions…

How would your life be dif­fer­ent if you could speak clear­ly in Eng­lish and con­fi­dent­ly com­mu­ni­cate with any­one, in any sit­u­a­tion?

How would your boss and col­leagues respond if you could sud­den­ly speak clear and prop­er Eng­lish, with an authen­tic British accent? Would you have a bet­ter chance of get­ting a pro­mo­tion, a pay rise or even a high­er pay­ing job?

What would it be worth to nev­er have to repeat your­self again, feel embar­rassed to talk on the phone, or feel shy in social sit­u­a­tions with native Eng­lish speak­ers?

Did you know that pri­vate coach­ing could cost you between $80 and $250 per hour? Which means 10 lessons would cost you up to $2,500!

Did you know that oth­er online cours­es cost up to $1,600? I’ve done my research and most of these cours­es don’t con­tain even half of the step-by-step video and audio train­ing you’ll find inside the Ulti­mate British Accent Train­ing Pack­age.

The British Accent Train­ing Pack­age won’t cost you $2,500. Not $1,600. Not even $175.

The British Accent Train­ing Pack­age is one pay­ment of $199. But that’s NOT the price you’ll pay today …

As part of a spe­cial pro­mo­tion, you can get it now for only one pay­ment of $69 — and that’s the low­est price you’ll pay for access to such life-chang­ing train­ing, so you can final­ly speak clear and flow­ing Eng­lish like a native British speak­er

60 Day Mon­ey Back Guar­an­tee

“You Love The Course Or You Don’t Pay”

You can “test dri­ve” the British Accent Course for 60 days, com­plete­ly RISK FREE!

Here’s how it works: Sign up and get instant access to the pro­gram today. Go through all of the audios. Try the step-by-step exer­cis­es and lessons. Start speak­ing clear and flow­ing Eng­lish like a native British speak­er.

If with­in 60 days, you’re not 100% sat­is­fied that you’ve got the skills to speak Eng­lish clear­ly and be under­stood clear­ly by your boss, co-work­ers and friends, sim­ply send the course back to me with a short note ask­ing for a refund, and I’ll imme­di­ate­ly and cheer­ful­ly refund your mon­ey.

You either LOVE the pro­gram and improve your British Eng­lish pro­nun­ci­a­tion, or you don’t pay a cent. You can’t pos­si­bly lose. Take advan­tage of this spe­cial pro­mo­tion now and SAVE $130 by get­ting the course before this offer runs out.

Please note: this course is a dig­i­tal course which can be down­loaded to your com­put­er. There is no phys­i­cal pack­age or prod­uct for this course. We will not give a refund because you thought the course was a phys­i­cal package/CD’s.

There are 10 videos and 140 audios inside the PDF man­u­al in this course, we will not give a refund for not read­ing what is in this course. For a full list of the course con­tents, For a video and audio demo from inside the course,

INSTANT DOWNLOAD – There is no phys­i­cal pack­age for this course.

When you pur­chase today you’ll be giv­en instant access to all the mate­ri­als for you to down­load onto your com­put­er imme­di­ate­ly (both MAC and PC com­pat­i­ble).

Life­time Access For One Low Price!

Here’s what you get inside the course:

11 Step-By-Step Train­ing Videos fea­tur­ing native British Eng­lish speak­ers

140 Audio Record­ings of native British Eng­lish speak­ers

109 Page Dig­i­tal Train­ing Man­u­al with the videos and audios inside for easy use

E-guide on exact­ly how to use the pro­gram (extra tips for clear speech and pro­nun­ci­a­tion)

Stress and into­na­tion train­ing: learn the cor­rect word and sen­tence stress for British Eng­lish

3 audio dia­logues with male and female train­ers. Prac­tise sen­tences and con­ver­sa­tion­al speech

Flu­en­cy train­ing: learn to speak in flow­ing, flu­id sen­tences

Spe­cial Fea­ture: tips to speed up your progress for 9 dif­fer­ent back­ground lan­guages

Instruc­tions on how to say words of more than one syl­la­ble

16 vow­els (a o i e u ee er ar or oo-long oo-short oe ie oy ow ay)

24 con­so­nants (p b t d k g f v th th-voiced s z sh zh ch j m n ng w h l r y)

Instant Down­load – no ship­ping costs (no phys­i­cal pack­age, down­load every­thing instant­ly)

1 Free Bonus: Audio On The Go – prac­tise any­time, any­where on your smartphone/tablet

Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions & Answers

“Is it secure to order from your web­site?”

Yes, it is absolute­ly secure. We use indus­try-lead­ing tech­nol­o­gy (such as SSL) to keep your infor­ma­tion safe and secure. Pay­Pal auto­mat­i­cal­ly encrypts your con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion in tran­sit from your com­put­er to ours using the Secure Sock­ets Lay­er pro­to­col (SSL) with an encryp­tion key length of 128-bits (the high­est lev­el com­mer­cial­ly avail­able). Before you even reg­is­ter or log in to the Pay­Pal site, our serv­er checks that you’re using an approved brows­er – one that uses SSL 3.0 or high­er. Our cred­it card pay­ments are also encrypt­ed via SSL tech­nol­o­gy. We take your secu­ri­ty very seri­ous­ly.

“How do I buy the course?”

Sim­ply click on the orange ‘add to cart’ but­ton and you’ll be tak­en to our secure pay­ment page where you can make your pay­ment. All of our orders are processed secure­ly. You can choose to use your cred­it card, Visa / Mas­ter­card, deb­it card or Pay­Pal account to com­plete your pur­chase. If you have any issues or ques­tions, please con­tact us here.

“Does the British Accent Train­ing Course real­ly work?”

Over 40,000 peo­ple world­wide have used our train­ing for suc­cess. Our clients all over the world are excit­ed. They tell us that with only 15 min­utes of prac­tise a day, for only a few weeks, they see a huge improve­ment in their British accent. Check out these real cus­tomers who have achieved results using our course. These clients were so hap­py with the course that they want­ed to share their sto­ries with you.

“How long will it take me to see results?”

Our cus­tomers tell us that after just one or two weeks of dai­ly prac­tise, they already start to see a change in their pro­nun­ci­a­tion and speech clar­i­ty. After just 2 – 3 months, our cus­tomers have report­ed big changes in their accent and their abil­i­ty to speak Eng­lish clear­ly. Depend­ing on your ear’s nat­ur­al abil­i­ty to pick up new sounds this time frame may vary. How­ev­er, with as lit­tle as 15 min­utes dai­ly prac­tise you will see rapid results.

“Can I real­ly change my accent that I’ve had my whole life, even as an adult?”

Yes you can! Your brain is plas­tic and can form new neu­ro­log­i­cal path­ways. Just as it took a few years to learn your orig­i­nal lan­guage and accent, it takes time to change or lose your accent. When you were a child you lis­tened to those around you, and repeat­ed and mim­ic­ked what they said over and over and over and over! And just like that you can also lose your accent or acquire a new accent in Eng­lish. You have to want to do this, and you need to work on it. You don’t need 5 years though to notice that you are los­ing your accent! Even after just a few weeks of dai­ly prac­tise you will begin to notice a dif­fer­ence in your pro­nun­ci­a­tion. Because you are attun­ing your ear to the new accent, and putting down new neu­ro­log­i­cal path­ways, you can lose your accent more quick­ly if you lis­ten to a native speak­er through head­phones. This vibrates the audi­to­ry nerve from your ear to the brain more direct­ly mak­ing the sig­nal more effec­tive. You can lose your accent entire­ly. You can neu­tralise your accent. Or you can keep some of your accent and just speak more clear­ly and be under­stood bet­ter when you speak Eng­lish. All of this is pos­si­ble with the ‘Speak More Clear­ly’ train­ing pro­grams!

“I can’t under­stand oth­ers when they speak””

Would you like to be able to under­stand oth­ers clear­ly when they speak and not have to keep ask­ing them to repeat them­selves? When you lis­ten to the audio in the British accent course you are train­ing your ear to under­stand the sounds in British Eng­lish. Once you have attuned your ear to British Eng­lish, your brain makes con­nec­tions to remem­ber and under­stand those sounds. Now, when you hear native speak­ers talk­ing you will be able to under­stand them much more clear­ly and eas­i­ly. After all, there are only so many times you can ask some­one to repeat them­selves before you resort to nod­ding and smil­ing, espe­cial­ly in work sit­u­a­tions.

“My Eng­lish is advanced. Will this pro­gram be too sim­ple for me?”

No – when you want to improve your pro­nun­ci­a­tion and accent in Eng­lish you need to give your mouth and mus­cle mem­o­ry a chance to learn the new move­ments for the new pro­nun­ci­a­tion, espe­cial­ly if Eng­lish has sounds that your native lan­guage doesn’t have. In order for your mouth to do this you need to give your mouth prac­tise at a sim­pler lev­el of Eng­lish before you can make the new sounds auto­mat­ic in your every­day speech. This is why our tech­nique is by far the most effec­tive tech­nique to change your pro­nun­ci­a­tion, no mat­ter what your lev­el of Eng­lish. This means even if you are an advanced Eng­lish speak­er, you need to go back to basics in order to learn the cor­rect pro­nun­ci­a­tion and sounds for your new accent. Our course is specif­i­cal­ly designed for non-native speak­ers who already know how to speak Eng­lish but want to improve their pro­nun­ci­a­tion and accent.

$69   $15 – Master British English – Ester Bruhl

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