Pro Outsourcing Package – ReplaceMyself

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Pro Outsourcing Package – ReplaceMyself Download. In fact, in a moment, I’m going to give you access to a list of pre-screened employees. Many have gone th…

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In fact, in a moment, I’m going to give you access to a list of pre-screened employees. Many have gone through “foundational training”. Some are pre-tested

Pro Outsourcing Package by ReplaceMyself,
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How To Stop Outsourcers From Disappearing

Stop Needing “Micro-Management”, Stop Doing Shoddy Work… You Can Start Living The “4-Hour Work Week”!

The First And Only 99% Done-For-You Outsourcing Service Online

Over The Last 4 Years, ReplaceMyself.Com Has Provided Over 10,000 Online Business Owners With The Full Outsourcing Package:

1. A Database Of Quality Filipinos (With Access To A Pre-Screened “Ready-To-Go” List*)… So you don’t waste time going through thousands of records… making hiring quick and easy!

2. Top-Tier Training On How To Manage Your New Employee… So you get the most out of them — taking over more and more of your mundane, daily tasks!

And most of all.

3 .Proven Video Training You Hand Over To Your Outsourced Worker… So you can literally start using your new employee in 24 hours without you taking time to train them yourself!

Discover How You Can Double, Even Triple Your Business Simply By Outsourcing Work For As Little As $1.36/Hour. ..

From the desk of John Jonas of

Salt Lake City, UT

June 11, 2015 — 11:32am

Dear Business Owner,

Outsourcing will change you life. I truly believe that.

For me, personally…

  • Outsourcing is how I built my business from $0 to 7-figures in less than 3 years
  • Outsourcing is how I’m able to enjoy 17-hour workweeks… and spend my afternoons and evenings with my loving wife and four kids. (We also travel a lot)!
  • Outsourcing is how I’m able to play golf everyday except weekends. (I don’t golf Saturdays to avoid the crowds and Sundays for religious reasons).

With outsourcers, you can essentially “clone yourself”… And do the work of 2, 3 or even 10 people for pennies on the dollar. (Some outsourced employees cost as little as $1.36/hour)!

And if you’re on this page, you probably think outsourcing can get you great business results too…

But you may be experiencing some challenges with it — and you want to know why. Or perhaps you’re just starting out and you’re overwhelmed with all the choices out there.

I can help you with that.

In fact, in a moment, I’m going to give you access to a list of pre-screened employees. Many have gone through “foundational training”. Some are pre-tested. All of them are ready to help you build your business. They are competent and cost as little as $1.36/hour.

They can help you with almost anything you can think of. Just take a look at the sidebar to the left.

But what’s more —

I’m going to give you training videos you can hand over to your new employees –so you don’t have to create or do any of the training yourself.

In other words, I want you to have the full package. That way, you don’t have to worry about hiring someone and get frustrated with training them.

Finally — I’m also going to give you my THREE BIGGEST SECRETS for outsourcing successfully on this web page.

Let me be clear here…

What I’m about to share with you is drastically different from other “outsourcing programs”.

This is not some random database of outsourcers with a few search filters… where you end up wasting time searching for people.

This is not a membership site where all you get are training videos on how to hire outsourcers… and you’re left with nothing else.

It’s also not just a bunch of training videos you hand over to your outsourcer… where you still have to find and hire someone.

Many websites often offer just one of these three services.

What I’m about to share with you has all three of these parts integrated seamlessly into one outsourcing program and system!

Think about that for a second.

  1. I help you find your outsourcer.
  2. I give you training on how to get the most ROI out of them, and…
  3. I practically train them for you.

Everything is done for you here!

But first, here’s a question I get a lot —

And frankly — I can keep going. In fact, I have over 150 testimonials on my website. All from satisfied customers who have worked with me and consulted with me.

Just take a look at the above diverse list of people. Even if you don’t have a business yet, or you’re about to start one — you can leverage outsourcing to get off the ground and in the air. (You can see more of them on the right-hand column of this web page).

So I’m always surprised when I hear….

“Outsourcing Doesn’t Work In MY Business”

I hear that a lot.

I also hear, “I tried it and it didn’t work out.”

And then there’s the common complaint from people who are new to it…

“I don’t know where to begin! There’s so much to learn! It seems like more work to outsource than to do it myself.”

Frankly, when I hear things like that…

I know what’s really happening “behind-the-scenes”… and in a moment, I’m going to show you how you can overcome these challenges.

And I’ll show you the three most important secrets to hiring great outsourcers who work out and make you money. At least a “ten-times-return” kind of money.

But first, let me introduce myself…

My name is John Jonas. As I mentioned already, I’ve personally built a business from zero to seven figures in less than 3 years. Even when I was just starting out, I hired outsourcers.

Today I have 12 full-time Filipino outsourcers working for me. They’ve been with me for over 6 years now.

I pay them anywhere between $1.25 to $4.38/hour depending on what skills they have. They help me with everything from customer support, to website design, to computer programming.

I trust them so deeply, they have my bank account passwords, PayPal access and credit card numbers. I’m not kidding.

But that’s not all. What’s surprising to most people is… I haven’t fired a single one in all my life. Only one has ever disappeared on me. Some of them have been with me from day one.

Let me tell you about my typical workday these days…

I get up in the morning. I make sure everybody knows what they need to do for the day. I reply to some emails. I set up new tasks, projects and assignments. I log out.

In total, I work about 17-20 hours a week. The rest of the time, I’m golfing, hiking or just spending quality time with my family.

Basically — I have successfully replaced myself in my own business.

I’ve also personally coached over 11,000 business owners on how to outsource “the right way” so they don’t run into the same problems everyone seems to complain about.

And after doing this for 6 years, I know exactly…

Why So Many People End Up With More Trouble Than Freedom When They Outsource

Let me tell you a story…

I recently had a friend who got a phone call from a telemarketer. She was in the Philippines. She was telling my friend to outsource his realtor business to the Philippines for $900/month.

My friend asks, “What do I get for $900/month?”

Telemarketer says, “A full-time virtual assistant”

“What will they do for me?”

“Well, they can make outbound or inbound calls, they can do some marketing for you…”

My friend interrupts her. “What training do you provide for the virtual assistant?”

The telemarketer pauses. “What do you mean?”

That’s the big, ongoing joke in this industry. If you hire a virtual assistant, how will they know what to do?

All this company was doing was providing the person. Zero training. Zero resources. Nothing.

This is why so many people say, “Outsourcing is too much of a hassle”.

Of course — that isn’t the only problem.

$900/month is also a lot of money. But that’s what happens when “big companies” have overhead expenses. (Like the telemarketer they paid to call you).

(In a moment, I’ll tell you how you can hire an outsourcer for much, much cheaper and have them trained for you!)

And so — people go the other route. They go it alone. That’s when they run into even bigger problems.

Why eLance, Guru.Com, oDesk And Other Outsourcing Companies Don’t Work

When you hire on the “Big Three” of outsourcing sites… you’re hiring contractors for a single job.

And what happens is you end up hiring someone who’s in it for the short-run. They have three, four… maybe even six other clients to take care of. They charge more because they’re freelancers. And with so many names to choose from, you don’t even know where to begin.

Want to hear the single biggest secret behind my success? I hire full-time. Always.

I’d rather pay someone $200 – $700 a month (that’s 160 hours of work), than pay someone the same amount for one project.

Why? Because I get loyalty and commitment. I get their singular focus. I get them for much, much cheaper.

I also build a relationship with them. I train them on different skills. And before you know it, I have an outsourcer who can literally replace me…. because they can do almost everything I do.

Think about that for a second.

Think about all the headaches, frustration and time-consuming WORK you have to go through every time you hire someone. Now think about doing that for each and every project you need done.

Why would you do that to yourself?

When someone tells me outsourcing didn’t work for them, I always ask, “Did you hire for a single project?” And the answer usually is, “Yes”.

And after a while, our conversation usually leads to them asking…

“But Where Do I Find Great People?”

“But Where Do I Find Great People?”

I’ve hired people in India. I’ve hired people from America. I’ve hired from the UK, Australia and Pakistan even.

Here’s my big outsourcing secret #2: What I’ve personally discovered and verified with over 11,000 clients is this…

The best place to hire people is from the Philippines.

There is a strange, magical and wonderful culture there that you can’t get anywhere else in the world.

There are FOUR reasons why they are a cut above any other country you hire from. Here they are…

  1. They Have Honesty, Integrity and Loyalty. I don’t know what it is. But these characteristics are deeply embedded in their culture. They’re not here to screw you over, take your money and run… or do anything bad on purpose.
    They genuinely care and want to help. And personally, that is much more important to me than the most skilled person in the world. But of course, they’re also able to do the work and deliver.
  2. They Are Highly Educated, Technical and Hard Working. Many Filipinos have a college education. They are fluent in English. And several of them can code with the best of them.

    The average salary of an American programmer these days is about $54,458. Now, compare that to my top programmer. I pay him $700/month. That’s $8,400/ year. This guy can handle anything you throw at him. PHP, HTML, CSS, C++, JavaScript. You name it.

    But here’s the kicker: The only reason I pay him a “premium” is because he also knows how to do web design. You can get away with great programmers for $400/month in the Philippines. That’s $4,800 a year. Most website design companies in America would charge you that just to build one website.

  3. They Like Working For Foreigners. I kid you not. Especially if you’re American. It gives them a social status “lift” when they can tell their friends and family they work for an American businessman. (That’s what you are, by the way. A foreign businessman. Sounds nice rolling off the tongue, doesn’t it?)

  4. You Have Your Choice Of Them.Let’s face it, while the economy here in America has been hit hard since 2008… imagine what it’s like for the Philippines for the last 100 years. They’ve been through multiple revolutions, impeachments and corrupt governments. Simply put, it’s just an economically unstable place to be.

They are constantly working part-time, on contract or temporarily. Imagine you coming in and offering a stable, full-time job with a regular paycheck. You would be a savior.

This is the opportunity that lies at your feet today.

An entire country with just under 50 million people who are of working age. They have a 90% literacy rate. Many of them went to college, technical and vocational schools.

You basically have a huge talent pool for you to fish from. But unfortunately, here’s the big problem with hiring people from the Philippines: There are no good ways to sort through and filter employees looking for work.

That is, until very recently.


Up until recently, there were really only two websites where you can find, sort and hire good Filipino workers. (One of them charged you $750/month)..

While the other one was cheaper, they had weird rules I won’t get into here. Basically, they made it hard for people outside of the Philippines to hire people… which is funny, because I’m sure “foreigners” like you and me end up hiring more Filipinos than the Philippines do themselves. (OK, that’s probably exaggerating… but you get what I mean)..

And frankly, those were my only two options back in 2005 when I first started..

One day in 2009, I got so sick of this, I went and created my own database. (That’s how bad it was)!

Today, attracts over 65,000 quality Filipino workers all looking to help you grow your business..

And here’s the best news of all: I want to give you access to this database for free. I’ll tell you how you can get it and why I’m giving it away in a moment..

First, let’s talk my big outsourcing secret #3..

It’s related to another question I get a lot of….

“Can I Really Use 160 Hours Of Someone’s Time???”

It’s a great question, especially if you’re just starting out in business.

Now — if you’ve been in business for a while, your biggest concern is… “Do I have time to train this person to do what I do — the right way?”

Here are the facts…

What’s missing with most outsourcing companies, agencies and websites is solid training. It’s easy to hire people… but you probably have things you want them to do that they may not have heard of before. Like SEO work, Link Building, Article marketing and Video marketing.

So when I built my business, I put together training videos on basic Internet marketing training. These videos were so effective, all I had to do was hand them over to my outsourcer… and they could watch it, learn it and start implementing it.

I want to hand these videos over to you… so you can give them to your outsourcers.

I’ve created over 13 modules you can hand over to your outsourcer. Subjects vary from SEO to article marketing to Facebook. (Look below to see what you get).

Training Modules

  1. Be the CEO
  2. Adwords Training (Bonus: WordPress Training Included)
  3. Link Networks and Mini-Nets
  4. Video Marketing
  5. Article Marketing
  6. Web 2.0 Marketing
  7. Getting Links to Your Site
  8. Facebook Marketing
  9. Content Sharing and Podcast Training
  10. Script Installation Training
  11. SEO Training
  12. Sales Copywriting Training
  13. High PR Link Building and Content Curation

These are the exact same training videos I made to train my 12 employees. Today all of them are proficient in at least six different skills. I can move them from one part of my business to another effortlessly.

Once you hand over these training videos to your outsourcer…

You practically don’t have to do a thing here…. aside from some check-ins. That’s what I do every morning. A few check-ins to make sure everything is running smoothly. And then… I more-or-less have the rest of the day off!

Alright. For the last few minutes, I’ve been talking about all the things I want to hand over to you to help you build your outsourcing business.

What’s the catch here?

“OK John, What’s The Catch Here?”

It’s quite simple really. I’ve put together a big package of my training videos, access to my database, list of pre-screened employees, how-to-hire course and much, much more.

It’s all located in the membership area of I’d like you to give you access to it. PLUS — It’s 100% no-commitment, no-risk and fully guaranteed.

That’s right, simply try my membership, filled with almost EVERYTHING you need to outsource successfully. That’s all I ask. If you don’t like it, you can ask for your money back. I’ll tell you more about this later, but first… what’s inside the membership area?

Let me tell you. Let me show you what you’ll get when you log into the membership site…

Buy the Pro Outsourcing Package – ReplaceMyself course at the best price at GBesy.. After your purchase, you will get access to the downloads page. You can download all the files associated in your order at here and we will also send a download notification email via your mail.

Unlock your full potential with Pro Outsourcing Package – ReplaceMyself courses. our courses are designed to help you excel.

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