The 5-D Empowerment Serie – Jamye Price

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Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $12.00.

The 5-D Empowerment Serie – Jamye Price Download. Yet you are the only one that can choose and change your life. As you open to your empowered Love, you ar…

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Yet you are the only one that can choose and change your life. As you open to your empowered Love, you are not only changing your life, but the world – through your courage to be the beautiful, amazing you!

The 5-D Empowerment Serie by Jamye Price,
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The 5-D Empowerment Serie – Jamye Price course is available you will get immediately after payment only $88 $25.

What will you get: 

  1. 00_Empowerment_Series.wmv
  2. 01_01_Aligning_with_Your_True_Power_LOVE_Guided_Meditation.mp3
  3. 01_02_Aligning_with_Your_True_Power_LOVE_Introduction.mp3
  4. 01_03_Aligning_with_Your_True_Power_LOVE_Light_Language.mp3
  5. 02_01_DragonHeart_Introduction.mp3
  6. 02_02_DragonHeart_Empowered_Boundaries.mp3
  7. 02_03_DragonHeart_Open_Heart.mp3
  8. 02_04_DragonHeart_Language_Chakra_Meditation.mp3
  9. 02_05_DragonHeart_Emotional_Signals.mp3
  10. 02_06_DragonHeart_Empowered_Compassion.mp3
  11. 02_07_DragonHeart_Pure_Intent_Meditation.mp3
  12. 03_01_Release_and_Open_Introduction.mp3
  13. 03_02_Release_and_Open_Surrender_and_Acceptance.mp3
  14. 03_03_Release_and_Open_Alignment_for_Easy_Flow.mp3
  15. 03_04_Release_and_Open_Fabric_of_Life.mp3
  16. 03_05_Release_and_Open_and_Observe.mp3
  17. 03_06_Release_and_Open_Release_Exercise.mp3
  18. 03_07_Release_and_Open_Open_Flow.mp3
  19. 03_08_Release_and_Open_When_Then_Zen_Exercise.pdf
  20. 04_01_Loving_Boundaries_Protected_Heart.mp3
  21. 04_02_Loving_Boundaries_Interaction_with_Life.mp3
  22. 04_03_Loving_Boundaries_Allowing_and_Choosing.mp3
  23. 04_04_Loving_Boundaries_Flexibility_and_Strength.mp3
  24. 04_05_Loving_Boundaries_Intent.mp3
  25. 04_06_Loving_Boundaries_Creating_with_Intent.mp3
  26. 04_07_Loving_Boundaries_Intent_Exercise.mp3
  27. 05_01_Trusting_the_Self_The_Peaceful_State.mp3
  28. 05_02_Trusting_the_Self_Directing_and_Allowing.mp3
  29. 05_03_Trusting_the_Self_Light_Language_Releasing_Doubt.mp3
  30. 05_04_Trusting_the_Self_Light_Language_Anchoring_Peace.mp3
  31. 05_05_Trusting_the_Self_Releasing_Doubt_Exercise.mp3
  32. 05_06_Trusting_the_Self_Finding_Your_Truth.mp3
  33. 05_07_Trusting_the_Self_Response_from_Life.mp3
  34. 05_08_Trusting_the_Self_Interpreting_Signals.mp3
  35. 06_01_Peace_the_Passes_All_Understanding_Finding_Peace.mp3
  36. 06_02_Peace_that_Passes_All_Understanding_Peace_within_Chaos.mp3
  37. 06_03_Peace_that_Passes_All_Understanding_Beliefs_Blocking_Peace.mp3
  38. 06_04_Peace_that_Passes_All_Understanding_Releasing_Battle.mp3
  39. 06_05_Peace_that_Passes_All_Understanding_Understanding_Neutrality.mp3
  40. 06_06_Peace_that_Passes_All_Understanding_Anchoring_Peace.mp3
  41. 06_07_Peace_that_Passes_All_Understanding_Peaceful_Change.mp3
  42. 07_01_Empowered_Sovereign_Chakra_Systems_and_Intent.mp3
  43. 07_02_Empowered_Sovereign_Empowered_Boundaries.mp3
  44. 07_03_Empowered_Sovereign_Heart_Chakra.mp3
  45. 07_04_Empowered_Sovereign_I_Am_All_is_Light_Language.mp3
  46. 07_05_Empowered_Sovereign_Counter_Opposing_Spin_Polarity_Integration.mp3
  47. 07_06_Empowered_Sovereign_Forgiveness.mp3
  48. 07_07_Empowered_Sovereign_Building_Your_Empowerment_Vehicle.mp3

The 5D Empowerment Series with Jamye Price Empowerment is a core foundation for fifth dimensional living, the Ascension of humanity. We are moving into Unity Consciousness, which requires empowered individuals interacting from Love and strength rather than fear and dominance. The 5D Empowerment Series utilizes Crystalline Soul Healing, Light Language and channeled wisdom to help you apply practical and profound change in your life. It contains over 6 hours of mp3 downloads with powerful healing frequencies and information to help you shift into your Loving empowerment. Life wants you to thrive. Yet you are the only one that can choose and change your life. As you open to your empowered Love, you are not only changing your life, but the world – through your courage to be the beautiful, amazing you!

Offer 1 Includes:

Item 1: Name Aligning with Your True Power

Light Language Healing and Guided Meditation

3 MP3s and PDF

You are Divinity in human form embarking on a path of remembering your powerful ability to Create. Your life is meant to be a joyful expression of your unique Light. As you embrace your True Power – Love, you align with the powerful unseen force that builds worlds, one atom at a time. This vibrational healing tool utilizes profound Light Language and music to facilitate release of unconscious vibration that is blocking your free flowing Love of Life. The Language of Light activates your ability to uncover new perspective, previously unseen. The guided meditation offers a focus that anchors your powerful Love into your life.

Item 2: Dragon Heart Empowert Boundaries

Open Heart Teleclass

7 MP3s

This class is entitled Dragon Heart – Empowered Boundaries, Open Heart. In this class you will learn how to love, forgive, speak up or say nothing as appropriate for your moment. You will learn to discern when you are making empowered choices that open your heart and strengthen your boundaries. This is your core of creative, joyful and powerful interaction with life.

Self-empowerment is a compassionate place and looks different for each person in each moment. You will understand how to interact with empowered boundaries that exercise the many facets of Love in your life.

Item 3: Release and Open


7 MP3s and 1 PDF

Letting go is a process of opening. As you release what inhibits your flow, you are opening your energy field to receive and emanate new information. Your experience of Life becomes exciting, creative and fun!

In this class you will release LOADS of baggage hindering your creative flow. You will learn to shift your experiences into a beneficial creation in the moment.

You will not only let go of the burdens of the past, but OPEN to a new future!

Item 4: Loving Boundaries


7 MP3s

Your Loving Boundaries help you establish an easier flow in all of your relationships. Most of your boundaries are unspoken, as they are held through your intent. Often you have internal mixed signals of how safe you feel saying no or how guilty you feel for not sacrificing yourself endlessly for others.

Humanity is learning the balance of give and take in flow that benefits all involved, establishing empowered people interacting with each other instead of continuing patterns of unspoken misuse of energy. In this class you will move past vague and unspoken blocks that keep you afraid to stand up for yourself, to nurture yourself or unable to take risks that will result in your creative sharing.

Item 5: Trusting the Self


8 MP3s

In these times of constant change, it is important to trust your choices and your ability to adapt and create. You are a powerful force for change when you are decisive.

In this class you will learn to recognize the internal and external signals of when to move forward, when to wait and when to shift direction. All along the way, you will learn to trust yourself and the process of Life.

There is ease in Knowing that your path leads you in the direction of your destiny. As you relax into life, you become the powerful creative force that flows easily in the stream of Creation.

Item 6: Name the Peace that Passes all Understanding


7 MP3s

When you are neutral and calm, you are in your most powerful state of connection to your Higher Self. It is in this state that you have access to resolution and new solution. It is in this state that you cultivate win/win solutions for your life and your ongoing contribution to the world around you. As you maintain the peace that passes all understanding, you interact with Life from your point of mastery, and Life responds.

In this class you will release the misinformation of doubt and fear that blocks your full connection of your mastery. You will understand the power of the neutral state and your ability to shift quickly in challenge. You will learn to find your power of peace and emanate that into your creations so that Life becomes an exciting journey of synchronicities!

Your inner power is your inner peace!

Item 7: Empowered Soveriegn


7 MP3s and 1 PDF

I AM Empowered, Loving and Free!

As your will of the third chakra is fully aligned with your heart, you become an Empowered Sovereign that is equipped to handle life situations with greater ease, to create through the Divine Path of Love and shift challenges into opportunities for more rapid growth. This teleclass helps align the energy of the third chakra with the powerful electromagnetic field of the heart.

YES! I want Jamye’s special offer Option 1

Special Offer Option 2:

Your natural connection to the universe is within your biology. This time of Ascension is calling you to become more conscious in your interactions with the subtle realms. As you enhance your intuition, your communication with your Higher Self, and your focus on loving change—you are creating a powerful life that catalyzes a new Earth experience available to all.

These classes will help you identify where you block your creative potential and how to refocus your bio-mechanism naturally. You will be assisted to release past trauma, misperceptions, and beliefs that no longer serve you. You will learn how to direct your inner and external actions toward a path of change and creativity that you are creating, rather than just reacting to the world around you.

This profound platform of change contains over 7 hours of esoteric—yet highly practical—information, channeled guidance, Light Language transmissions, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies, and pragmatic exercises to apply real change into your life.

Harness your power of miracles!

Offer 2 Includes:

Item 1: Hope Internal


Your spark of hope keeps you moving toward improvement. When the hour seems darkest, you have the ability to access the inner stillness; the quantum force that builds worlds atom by atom.

Whether you find yourself confused, indecisive or fearful, you can learn to sense your next beneficial steps. When you are hopeful, you have access to unformed solution that awaits your conscious attention to call it into form.

This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to open your heart, sharpen your perceptions, and strengthen your hope.

Item 2: Lion Heart


You deserve to shine easily and brightly. You are unique and cherished. In fact, Life is constantly calling you to your birthright of JOY!

Finding the still voice within your heart and letting that echo out into your life can be a challenge when you are faced with domineering circumstances, fear of judgment, or potential grim consequences.

In this class you will learn to release the fear that the risk of expression brings. You will develop a practice of letting go of judgment of yourself and others so that you can speak your truth more easily. You will cultivate your courage to let your Light shine wherever you are!

Once you begin to express your heart, you will be surprised at the response Life gives. You are what this world has been waiting for! Find your courage to ROAR!

Join Jamye for profound Light Language activations and Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies, channeled guidance and practical exercises and perspectives that help you anchor your new courageous vibration into your life!

Item 3: Ignite Your Inner Spirit


Your Inner Spirit is your connection with your timeless, infinite nature. Within the atom is nuclear capabilities, just as within the power of your creative spark is infinite energy. That which seems so small, is truly powerful. This is your Love—your Inner Spirit. It is invisible, yet it has great creative power.

This class will Inspire you to live your life with greater creative courage. It will Instill a peace that allows you to navigate Life with greater ease. It will Ignite your Inner Spirit into the profound creative elixir that it was meant to be.

This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to Ignite your Inner Spirit into a creative catalyst that changes your world.

Item 4: Creative Focus


Creativity is the realm of the heart—passion, desire, and play. Focus is the realm of the mind—analyzing, categorizing and choosing. As the heart and mind work in concert, you create a stunning symphony in your Life.

In this class you will learn the balance of thought, word, and deed to help you understand what is truly creating in your life. It is much more than a magic formula of steps to follow. You are learning your empowerment and your interaction with all of Life.

It is not as hard as it seems, for it is natural to you. It merely requires an unlearning of misinformation and learning to recognize the Truth of Life. The side effect is you become empowered and excited about Life, even through challenge.

We will cover common mistakes to creating and amplify your ability to focus your life into a flow of creative bliss. Your bliss ripples out and changes the world.

This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to sharpen your focus and open your heart to your magical Self!

Item 5: Pass


You have many unique passions that are begging to be brought into form. The energy of the earth changes as you express your creative joy. Whether you are cooking a meal, taking a walk, painting a picture or deepening a relationship; you are a creative being.

Have you ever wondered about what your life would be like if you had the courage to pursue your passions? It does require courage, but it’s easier than you think. In fact, thinking is often the block to your passions coming into form!

In this class you will release the blocks to your creative courage. You will amplify your ability to learn quickly, go with the flow and read the clues of change that are calling your heart.

This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to ignite the flame of your heart!

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Unlock your full potential with The 5-D Empowerment Serie – Jamye Price courses. our courses are designed to help you excel.

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