Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - La Gioia del Business (Joy of Business - Italian Version)
Come sarebbe se il BUSINESS fosse gioioso e divertente? Come sarebbe se ci fosse così tanto altro ancora rispetto a quello che hai sempre percepito possibile? Se stessi creando il tuo business dalla gioia, cosa sceglieresti?
Categories: Business and Sales
Simone Milasas - La Joie du Business (Joy of Business - French Version)
Simone Milasas est un leader dynamique qui parcourt le globe démontrant comment la joie peut être la source des affaires. Elle est à la pointe de la création et du développement des affaires depuis plus de deux décennies.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Life is Not Predictable Jun-20 Teleseries
This is your life! This is it. What you have created so far, this is what you've created as your life. Is it working for you? Are you happy? What if you actually could add something else? What if you could create something even greater?
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Making the Impossible Possible with Joy of Business
What if you know more about business than what you have been willing to acknowledge? What if you never gave in and you never gave up and you were always creating?
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Plezier met Business (Joy of Business - Dutch Version)
Simone Milasas is een dynamische leider die de wereld rondreist en laat zien hoe je met plezier zaken kunt doen. Ze loopt al meer dan twee decennia voorop als het gaat om het creëren en ontwikkelen van business.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Radość Biznesu (Joy of Business - Spanish Version)
Co by się stało, gdyby BIZNES był RADOŚCIĄ i ZABAWĄ? Co by było, gdyby kryło się pod tym więcej niż kiedykolwiek sobie wyobrażałeś?
Gdybyś kreował biznes z pozycji cieszenia się nim – co byś wybrał?
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Radosne wychodzenie z długów (Getting Out of Debt Joyfully - Polish Version)
Simone Milasas – Radosne wychodzenie z długów (Getting Out of Debt Joyfully – Polish Version) course with special price just for you: $35 $13 Simone Milasas – Radosne wychodzenie z długów (Getting Out of Debt Joyfully – Polish Version) Czym jest Radosne wychodzenie z długó Simone Milasas miała $187,000 długu
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Radost poslovanja (Joy of Business - Croatian Version)
Kad biste svoj posao stvarali iz RADOSTI – što biste birali? Što biste promijenili? Što biste birali kad biste znali da ne možete pogriješiti? Poslovanje je RADOST, to je kreacija, generativno je. Može biti avantura ŽIVLJENJA.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Radostno Osvobajanje Iz Dolgov (Getting out of Debt Joyfully - Slovenian Version)
Ste pripravljeni spremeniti svojo celotno resničnost glede denarja? Kakšen pogled
imate v zvezi z denarjem, če bi ga spremenili, bi to ustvarilo drugačno resničnost
za vas?
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Relación ¿Estás seguro que quieres una? (Relationship Are You Sure You Want One - Spanish Version)
Este no es un libro promedio respecto a las relaciones. No esta “endulzado”, solo son consejos prácticos y herramientas escritos por los autores, Simone y Brendon, para que puedas tener la perspectiva masculina y femenina. Alerta: ¡quizá no te guste lo que escuches!
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Saindo Das Dividas Com Alegria (Getting Out of Debt Joyfully - Portuguese Version)
Simone Milasas tinha uma dívida de US$ 187.000 quando percebeu que precisava fazer uma mudança. Com a ajuda das ferramentas apresentadas neste livro, em dois anos, ela estava totalmente livre de dívidas.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Saliendo de la Deuda Gozosamente (Getting Out of Debt Joyfully - Spanish Version)
Simone Milasas tenía $187,000 de deuda cuando se dio cuenta que tenía que hacer un gran cambio. Con la ayuda de las herramientas que se presentan en este libro, ella estuvo totalmente fuera de la deuda en dos años.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - Sortir de L'endettement Joyeusement (Getting Out of Debt Joyfully - French Version)
Simone Milasas avait 187 000 $ de dettes lorsqu'elle a réalisé qu'un changement était nécesssaire. Avec l'aide des outils présentés dans ce livre, elle a remboursé toutes ces dettes en l'espace de deux ans.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - What if You Choose Money May-19 Bogota
Discover tools and processes to change your point of view around money, so you can find out what it is you can actually create and receive! What if you never needed to have a money problem?
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - ВЫЙТИ ИЗ ДОЛГОВ С РАДОСТЬЮ (Getting Out of Debt Joyfully - Russian Version)
Симон Миласас имела долг $187000, когда она осознала, что ей нужно что-то изменить. С помощью инструментов, описанных в этой книге, она вышла из долгов полностью за два года.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas - 借金から楽しく 抜け出そう (Getting Out of Debt Joyfully - Japanese Version)
Categories: Health and Medical
Simone Milasas – Business Done Different 18-Jul-21
You will receive the repeat price of this class if you have attended or purchased a Business Done Different Master Class with a start date within the past 12 months.
Categories: Business and Sales
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Beziehung Bist du sicher dass du eine willst? (Relationship Are You Sure You Want One - German Version)
Dies ist kein gewöhnliches Beziehungsbuch. Es gibt keine „Schönreden“, nur praktische Tipps und Tools der Autoren Simone und Brendon, sodass du sowohl die männliche, als auch die weibliche Perspektive haben kannst.
Categories: Business and Sales
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Choosing for You Jan-20 Teleseries
You’re invited to a special four week series with Choice of Possibilities facilitators Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt giving you the tools to create a very different life and living in 2020!
Categories: Business and Sales
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - İlişki Bir ilişki istediğinize emin misiniz? (Relationship Are You Sure You Want One - Turkish Version)
Bu sizin sıradan ilişki kitabınız değil. Burada ‘Ballandırma’ yok, sadece yazarlar,
Simone ve Brendon’dan yazılı pratik ipuçları ve araçlar var,
böylece hem erkek, hem de kadın perspektifine sahip olabilirsiniz.
Categories: Business and Sales
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Kapcsolat Biztosan akarod? (Relationship Are You Sure You Want One? - Hungarian Version)
Ez nem egy szokványos könyv a kapcsolatokról. Semmi „cukormáz”, csak praktikus tippek és eszközök a szerzőktől, Simone-tól és Brendontól, akik által mind a férfi, mind a női perspektívát megismerheted.
Categories: Business and Sales
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Les Relations Êtes-vous sûr d’en vouloir une ? (Relationship Are You Sure You Want One? - French Version)
Ceci n’est pas un livre ordinaire sur les relations. Il n’y a pas « d’enrobage sucré, » juste des suggestions et des outils pratiques rédigés par les auteurs, Simone et Brendon, afin que vous ayez à la fois la perspective masculine et féminine.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Relacionamento Tem certeza de que quer um? (Relationship Are You Sure You Want One - Portuguese Version)
Este não é um livro comum sobre relacionamento. Não há “faz de conta”, somente dicas práticas e ferramentas escritas pelos autores, Simone e Brendon, para que você possa ter as perspectivas masculina e feminina.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Relationship Are You Sure You Want One Jan-19 Telecall
If you are on the creative edge, you’re always in the question of what’s next, what else is possible, and how does it get any better than this? On the creative edge, you and your contribution are what creates the change.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Relationships Done Different 21-Aug-20
The projections, expectations, and judgments that relationships are often built on, create separation, rather than communion, and ultimately destroy the relationship.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Relationships Done Different 21-Aug-20 Repeat Price
The projections, expectations, and judgments that relationships are often built on, create separation, rather than communion, and ultimately destroy the relationship.
Categories: Hypnosis and NLP
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Relationships Done Different 6-Nov-20
The projections, expectations, and judgments that relationships are often built on, create separation, rather than communion, and ultimately destroy the relationship.
Categories: Business and Sales
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Relationships Done Different 6-Nov-20 Repeat Price
The projections, expectations, and judgments that relationships are often built on, create separation, rather than communion, and ultimately destroy the relationship.
Categories: Business and Sales
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Relationships Done Different Apr-19 Noosa
The Choice of Possibilities (COP) class is where you begin to see what is actually possible for you and where you begin to recognize that your choice is all it takes to create it.
Categories: Business and Sales
Simone Milasas & Brendon Watt - Relationships Done Different Jan-20 Vienna
The Choice of Possibilities (COP) class is where you begin to see what is actually possible for you and where you begin to recognize that your choice is all it takes to create it.